Reusing N95 Respirators: decontamination strategies applicable in COVID-19 pandemics in Peru

Keywords: Personal protective equipment, Biosafety, COVID-19, Decontamination


The SARS-CoV-2 virus, also called COVID-19, was initially considered as an international public health emergency, and later it was declared as a pandemic. Due to the high spread of COVID-19 through droplets, the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals has been remarkable, particularly filtering face-piece particulate respirators. Therefore, it is important to know the decontamination methods proposed for their application in our environment, considering the proper asepsis and antisepsis measures to be used, and also on how to preserve the integrity of the device (straps, nasal bridge and nasal foam material) and counting on its natural degradation process. Adequate methods for disinfecting these devices are as follows: using sterilizing ovens (dry heat), autoclave (steam), ultraviolet radiation (UV) and homemade vaporizers, which should be used according to the needs of the healthcare professionals.


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How to Cite
Romani L, Vilchez-Cornejo J. Reusing N95 Respirators: decontamination strategies applicable in COVID-19 pandemics in Peru. Acta Med Peru [Internet]. 2020Jul.1 [cited 2025Mar.30];37(2). Available from: