Chilhood pleural tuberculosis in a region of high prevalence of tuberculosis: A review of 96 cases

  • Luz Reto Valiente Médico Pediatra
  • Carlos Hironaka Ichiyanagui Médico Pediatra
  • Catherina Pichilingue Reto Médico Cirujano
  • Carlos Alcántara Castro Médico Pediatra
  • Felix Takami Angeles Médico Gastroenterólogo
  • Carlos Mendoza Fox Médico Pediatra
  • Wilfredo Castillo Bazán Médico Pediatra
  • Patricia Pichilingue Reto Médico Cirujano
Keywords: Tuberculosis, tuberculosis pleural, child, diagnostic, mycobacterium tuberculosis


Study objective: To describe the clinical features, radiographics, laboratory and bacteriologic findings of pediatric patients with tuberculous pleural effusion. Material and Methods: It is a retrospective study. We have collected information from medical records of inpatients < 16 years old, who were admitted at Hipolito Unanue Hospital from January 2003 to December 2012, with diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis. Results: Ninety – six children were diagnosed with tuberculous pleural effusion. The median age was 11 years. 60.42% of the patients were eutrophic, 26.04%were overweight or obese and only 13.65%suffered of malnutrition. Positive tuberculin skin tests were seen in 89.86%. Pleural effusion was the sole radiographic manifestation in 36.5% of cases and parenchymal disease was associated in 63.5% of the patients. Bacteriologic confirmation of tuberculosis was achieved in 13 cases (13.5%). Antituberculous therapy for 6 months was effective in all cases. Conclusions: Tuberculous pleural effusion was usually associated with a positive tuberculin skin test, and lung parenquimal infiltrates. A short course of chemotherapy is effective.


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How to Cite
Reto Valiente L, Hironaka Ichiyanagui C, Pichilingue Reto C, Alcántara Castro C, Takami Angeles F, Mendoza Fox C, Castillo Bazán W, Pichilingue Reto P. Chilhood pleural tuberculosis in a region of high prevalence of tuberculosis: A review of 96 cases. Acta Med Peru [Internet]. 2013Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];30(4):127-31. Available from: