Need to ban tobacco consumption in public places to protect non-smokers health

  • Roberto Alfonso Accinelli Tanaka Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Lidia Marianella López Oropeza Médico Cirujano
  • Verónica Betzabe Salinas Alfaro Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Yeny Aurea Bravo Pajuelo Médico Cirujano
Keywords: Tobacco, tobacco smoke pollution, smoking


We describe in this paper the damage caused by tobacco smoke not only to smokers, but also to persons exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke, and also the impact of this addiction in the economy. A review of the most important papers is presented, emphasizing the time when these studies were performed, which finally led many governments to issue laws aiming to limit the health damage caused by tobacco smoke. We also review laws for having tobacco-free environments, and the effects achieved with their implementation, including the economical consequences.


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How to Cite
Accinelli Tanaka RA, López Oropeza LM, Salinas Alfaro VB, Bravo Pajuelo YA. Need to ban tobacco consumption in public places to protect non-smokers health. Acta Med Peru [Internet]. 2012Jun.29 [cited 2025Feb.23];29(2):113-20. Available from: